CHAPTER 1: Why Social Media Marketing?

If there is one thing we love about Gano Excel Affiliates, it is how well they SHARE. No matter the circumstances, Affiliates cannot stop themselves from reaching out to others about the amazing benefits of Ganoderma lucidum and the incredible opportunity to make income with Gano Excel.

Now is an excellent time to explore what sharing, using social media, looks like for your business. Social media marketing is simply the process of creating and posting content across social media channels in order to achieve a business goal. These goals could look like spreading awareness of Ganoderma lucidum or Gano Excel, or it may be specifically encouraging people to take action.

Here are some commonly touted benefits of social media marketing and how you as an independent Affiliate can take advantage of social media to build your business.

1. Grows Brand Awareness
Now is the perfect chance to tell everyone on social media what your Gano Excel business is all about. Did you know that research shows social media users expect and want to learn about products and services that are relevant to them on social media? Sharing about your “why” and Ganoderma lucidum can provide new, relevant information to millions of prospects and customers online.

2. Builds a Community for Your Business
As people begin to engage with the content you share on social media, you will begin to see a community develop of prospects, customers and teammates. Social media is the perfect place where all of these groups can SHARE and engage together. You, as a Gano Excel Affiliate, can place a personal touch on this community that large businesses only wish they had!

3. Strengthens Customer Loyalty
Research also shows that interacting with people on social media has shown to increase their overall satisfaction with your business. That is why many large brands do what they can to interact with their customers on social media. As you begin to build relationships with others on social media platforms, you are also building loyalty toward your products and your mission.

4. Shows Off Your Commitment to Customers
Helping prospects and customers solve problems on social media shows everyone that you take your business seriously and appreciate your customers. This could simply be providing answers to questions about information or helping someone get a product they are looking for. You also get to show everyone that you are a great person to work with when they are ready to enroll as an Affiliate themselves.

5. Provides New Ways to Promote and Sell
Social media provides easy ways to direct prospects and customers to more information. This could be your retail website, corporate sites, videos or research online. You can also SHARE with your social media followers how to purchase products or enroll with you online, helping you to meet your sales and enrollment goals.

6. Allows You to Strengthen Your Brand Across Multiple Channels
Placing content across multiple channels allows you to show how much you care about your business. When customers and prospects see you posting relevant content to more than one social media app, they begin to associate you with your Gano Excel business and products. This can make you easy to find and engage with when prospects are ready to reach you, no matter which social media platform they prefer.

As you can see, the benefits of social media marketing aren’t all about direct sales. There are many opportunities to strengthen your business, build a community of loyal customers and followers, and over time, see profits from this work.

In CHAPTER 2, we will dive into how you can begin creating content for your Gano Excel business that follows an overall strategy in order to meet your goals.

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