Chapter 3: Creating Engaging Social Media Content

As a Gano Excel Affiliate you are welcome to SHARE any content that the corporate team posts on its social media channels. You can also create your own, high quality content to fuel the social media strategy that you developed in Chapter 2.

Social media content encompasses all of the digital materials used to attract and engage social media users, and it comes in various forms which we will cover in this chapter. All of your content can be used to connect with others and boost your Gano Excel business.
Here are our five tips for creating shareable content for social media.

1. Develop a Process
Here is a sample process that you can follow when creating social media content.

  • Use your strategy we discussed in Chapter 2 to highlight one of your business goals.
  • Decide what type of content best fits this goal.
  • Create the content to address your goal.
  • Post it or schedule it for a specific time.
  • Monitor and respond to comments.
  • Track your responses.
  • Adjust your strategy based on your results, and start again!

2. Create Content With Your Audience in Mind
Your social media content should not only be designed with a goal in mind, but also the person who you want to reach. It’s important to take some notes while putting yourself in their shoes. Think again about your customer’s interests and motivations. Is your message something they will want to engage with or share with their own friends? Will they take action?

Keep in mind the Gano Excel mission to spread health and wealth to every household through the power of Ganoderma lucidum. The health of our Ganoderma-enriched products, and the income you can generate with the Gano Excel opportunity are two reasons your customers may have come to love being a customer or teammate in the first place.

You can always choose to reach out to your own customers and prospects through relating to them personally. Feel free to SHARE your own motivations, testimony and product use as an example they can follow and invite them to ask you about your post.

3. Create a Mixture of High Quality Content
The best approach to social content is to use a good mixture of approaches to keep your target audience entertained, engaged, and occasionally (even frequently) surprised. The various formats below are just a few of the most popular types of social media content that you should experiment with.

Using images is the most popular choice when it comes to content creation. Did you know that posts containing an image are shared 94% more than posts that don’t? Images are easy to create using apps like PicSay Pro where you can add text or other embellishments. Make sure you don’t place too much text on the image; let the image speak for itself as much as possible. Images can tell a story, reinforce messages and are fun to share.

Let’s face it – GIFs can make us laugh like nothing else. They have been around for a long time, and are popular now. These can increase engagement and build loyalty if used well.

Video is a wonderful storytelling medium. It’s irresistible combination of moving image and sound works well in long and short form and can work with a variety of social media channels. Creating your own videos is simpler than you may think. You can use a video template, or simply record yourself using your computer camera or mobile device and edit using apps like Inshot or Viva Video Pro.

Live Content
You can stream live video on Facebook and Instagram, which is a great way to interact with your followers in real time. Some of the most effective uses are:

  • Product introductions
  • Interviews
  • Behind-the-scenes glimpses
  • Q&As and conversations with your audience
  • Tutorials

Infographics are interesting and educational. As the name suggests, these creative graphics are used to convey information to your prospects and customers. Creating them can be easy by customizing templates you can find on websites like Simply choose a template and then replace the text and images with ones you choose.

You can also use giveaways to engage your prospects and customers on social media. Just make sure that your giveaway has something in it for you, too. Look at your social media objectives and see the giveaway as a reward for your followers helping you to achieve one of those objectives. The most popular types of giveaways are:

  • Follow/like/comment to win contests
  • Tag a friend
  • Post a specific type of picture
  • Share and hashtag a post

4. Incorporate Trending Topics

Your business can garner positive attention by staying on top of current trends. You may even grow your social media following just by creating content that resonates with popular topics. It also can help your content to be shared with others. Simply keep in mind what would be an appropriate use of trending events, and stay away from offensive or misleading content that will have a negative effect on your efforts.

Here are a few ways to keep up on what is trending:

  • Create a stream on Twitter with popular hashtags like #socialmedia
  • Create a Twitter list of key influencers and spend a bit of time each day reading what they’re saying
  • Use a news aggregation RRS feed to centralize news from a selection of different sources
  • Set up Google Alerts on specific terms and influencers to get regular updates when they post
  • Join Facebook or LinkedIn groups that cover popular topics or current events

Make sure you also download the Gano Excel Independent Affiliate logos from GE’s Corporate site so that you can create branded content for your social media channels.

Now you are ready to create engaging content on social media that will help you achieve your business objectives online!

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